Wednesday, 21 October 2009


Cakes needed for Spooky Spaghetti.
Necesitamos pasteles para el Spooky Spaghetti.

Tuesday, 13 October 2009


Our little Lucy has been injured. I would love to add her to my wish list.
Nuestra Lucy ha sido herida. Yo deseo otra.

Monday, 12 October 2009

Red Folders and Clocks/Carpetas Rojas y Relojes

Please return clocks and empty red folders with last week's work.
Por favor regresen los relojes y vacie las carpetas rojas del trabajo de la semana pasada.

Workstations/Centros de Tareas

Last week the students' assignments were: mini Fall book, ABBABBA Halloween sticker pattern, haunted house glyph and gourds observation chart.
La semana pasada las tareas fueron: mini-libro del otono, patron ABBABBA con pegatinas de Halloween, glifo de casa espantosa y observacion de calabazas.

Friday, 9 October 2009

High Frequency Word List/Lista de Palabras de Uso Frecuente

The students will be tested on reading these words in May. I send these words as part of our spelling homework and they are tested on Fridays.
Los alumnos van a tener que leer estas palabras para el mayo.
Yo mando estas palabras como parte de nuestra tarea y son nuestro examen de ortografia.

School Store/Tienda Escolar

The students practiced counting pennies and "buying" at our school store.
Los alumnos practicaron contando pennies y comprando en nuestra tienda escolar.
Monday morning the children will read the syllables until we practice our new poems.
El lunes los alumnos van a leer las silabas hasta que practiquemos nuestras poemas.

Caras De Picasso

Caras de Picasso on PhotoPeach

Thursday, 1 October 2009

October Dates to Remember/Fechas Importantes

Happy birthday, Ally!! Also, Anna for the end of September.
Felicidades Ally. Tambien Anna.
Spooky Spaghetti October 24th Saturday 4-8 pm.

Special Tiger Tables!!!!

PYP How We Express Ourselves Through Art

Our new planner is How We Express Ourselves Through Art. The students made their self-portraits using NO scissors or drawing!!
Nuestra tema por estas semanas es Como Nos Expresamos Atraves del Arte. Los estudiantes hicieron sus auto retratos sin usar tijeras ni dibujando.

LDC Literacy Development Center

We will be having LDC until October 9th. The students practice their writing in English.
Estamos en LDC hasta el 9 de octubre. Los estudiantes practican su escritura en ingles.